How to install TabsFolders
To install TabsFolders:
- In and internet browser open
- Click on the "Get Started" button.
- In the Chrome or Edge store click "Add to" button.
- Allow the browser to install the extension (either from the Web Store or directly with the instructions provided by your internet browser).
- For the Opera browser please see extra instructions here: Supported Browsers
- For Microsoft Edge you can download from the Chrome store or from the Microsoft Store here: Microsoft Store
- Enable the tabsFolders icon in your browser by clicking the Extension management icon and then click the enablement icon next to tabsFolders (this looks different on every browser); screen shots from Microsoft Edge are below
- Create a TabsFolders account by clicking on the "Login with Facebook" Button or the "Sign Up" button.
- If you use the "Login with Facebook" option allow TabsFolders to have access to your basic Facebook profile information and start using TabsFolders!
- If you use the "Sign Up" option, enter your information into the screen as per the screen shot below and click the signup button.
Click the close button on the popup as per the screen shot below.
- Then check your email account for the email sent from TabsFolders and click the verification link.
Start using TabsFolders.
If you have any promo codes check out the support article here.